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I placed an order,now what?

You will receive an
email confirming your purchase and we will get to work on packing up your
items! Once an order has shipped from us, you will receive an email
notification with a tracking number and how to track the item.

Where do you ship?

Right now, we only
ship to the United States.

If you are an
international customer and wish to make a purchase, please contact us at romancewriter121@yahoo.com and we will try to

How long will it take to ship my order?

Orders typically ship within 5-20
business days. Shipping times vary based on the product and destination.

How much does shipping cost?

costs will vary depending on the shipping destination, weight, and the number
of items that you purchase

How long will it take for my book(s) to be delivered?

Ebooks: When purchased, our
trusted ebook distribution partner, BookFunnel, will email you a web link
providing immediate online access to your book.

The online page at
BookFunnel also offers instructions on how to download your Ebook or deliver
the file to your Kindle, iPhone, Android device, Nook or Kobo.

If you do not see your download email, please check your
Spam box, or if using Gmail, check your Promotions tab. If you have any
issues accessing your purchased Ebook or do not receive a download email, visit


Paperback books: Please allow 5-20
days for delivery.

Is my payment infonsafe?

We take your security very seriously
by verifying each transaction with the credit company and processing only those
orders if the credit company so authorizes it. In the case of a suspicious or
declined transaction, our company may contact you to confirm the validity and
ensure your identity or cancel that order with full notification.

On credit/debit cards, CVV
verification is required before any order can be completed. Additionally, most
credit cards and Paypal offer buyer protection for online purchases. Please
contact them directly for specific details as it may vary from one financial
institution to another.


is the security code?

Credit and debit cards have a security
code located on them to offer additional protection. For most cards it will be
a 3-4 digit number located on the back. For American Express cards, look on the
front side for a 3-4 digit number.


Is my
credit/debit card charged as soon as I order a product?

Yes, your charge is processed
immediately. It may show up initially as an authorization on your account, and
then, as it is accepted it will show as a charge on your statement.

Is it possible to get a refund?

Unfortunately, we do
not accept change of mind returns. We apologize for any inconvenience this may
cause, but we stand behind the quality of our products and believe that you
will love them just as much as we do!


When you make a
purchase from our store, prior to completing your checkout, please review your
shopping cart carefully to be sure you’ve purchased the correct quantity,
correct format (ebook or paperback) and correctly requested a signed or
unsigned version of each book in your order.


You are required to
provide us with a complete and accurate delivery address, including the name of
the recipient for physical goods. Our store is not liable for the delivery of
your goods to the wrong address or wrong person as a result of providing us with
inaccurate or incomplete information.


For refund queries, please email romancewriter121@yahoo.com within 7 days of receiving your
product (according to the tracking). Please use the subject
"returns" and include your name, order number, reason for return, and
photographs of the defective or damaged item. If a book is defective,
damaged or if you receive the wrong title or format, we will evaluate the issue
and make it right.

What if my productis damaged?

If a book is
defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong title or format, we will
evaluate the issue and make it right. Returns are eligible for defective or
damaged items if you contact us within 7 days of receiving item (according to
the tracking). Please use the subject *returns* and include your name, order
number, reason for return, and photographs of the defective or damaged item. For
any refund queries, please email romancewriter121@yahoo.com

My items are delayed, what do I do?

We understand that
sometimes things don’t work out right and parcels may be delayed or lost in
transit. While we provide you with a tracking number, should you need any
further assistance in locating your parcel, please contact us at romancewriter121@yahoo.com